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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Why is Nobody Talking About the Ability to Follow?

 The topic of leadership in management has been discussed time and time again in every management meeting, conference and symposium all over the world and in many different languages. Leadership is a universal concept taught and learned by many and rightfully so, because of it's importance in building and growing a formidable company. However, there is one important ingredient in the leadership mix that is seldom spoken about, and that is followership. A leader is only as powerful as the willingness and obedience of his followers. Therefore it is safe to generalise that the followers are indeed leading. We can also look at it this way; even though you might be a leader in certain social groups, you are most likely to be a follower in another. Therefore, everybody is in fact a follower somewhere. People sometimes say great leaders make poor followers. I think this should not be so. Therefore, looking through my lenses as a young, working professional, I would like to take a bite at this subject in leadership called followership.