/'' http-equiv='refresh'/> You Should Believe Me !: The Questions You Must Ask To Live A Full Life

Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Questions You Must Ask To Live A Full Life

In life, we must ask ourselves certain mandatory questions if we want to stand any chance of living alive. The essence of life itself and how much we do with it are both hinged on the quality of questions we ask ourselves.

We tend to ask such questions as we grow older and are faced with situations that force us to. Some of them are -  "What do I want to do with my life? What job will I do? In what city will I live? Who will I marry?" 

Some other questions transcend everyday living and move into the hemisphere of living above everyday. Some of such are -  "What difference can I make in the world? What people do I have the capacity to change their lives for the better? What is it in life that makes me truly happy?" 

But then again, there is this one big question we often decide never to answer. Many have ignored this question and have lived and died. Many will continue in this line.

Having read this post, you may even continue living a good life, and decide to ignore this question.

However, for the sake of living a life of self awareness and balance, it is imperative that we ask ourselves "WHO AM I?" 

If living a life where you are not afraid or ashamed or ignorant or entitled is for you, then consider this.

Ask the "who am I?" in order to get a near accurate estimation of yourself. The answer to this question  gets you to that point where you can separate the "who I am"  from the "what I have, where I live, what I give, what they did?"

It takes you to that place where you have discovered yourself and accepted yourself, flaws and all. Yet you are working to get better. It is about identifying your 'face'. It's about having a clear definition of who you are; take away your job, your family, your friends, your job, your degrees and all other bragging rights.

As people, it is all too easy to identify ourselves by something external to us.  But how can you define a car by the garage? Is it not the presence of the car that makes us call the it a garage in the first place?

I believe we all (myself inclusive)  need to do a reintroduction. The world is a crazy place. Don't get lost in it.

If you want to ever have balance, or you're interested in living a full life, consider asking the "who am I?" question.

"What's my significance?  What's my worth? What's the price-tag I carry? Who can control the switchboard of my emotions? What is my center?  Where is my center?"

I don't know the part of the 'who am I' picture you've refused to look at so far, but I'll tell you what my final thoughts are all of all this. 

New Year coming, clean slate coming, you're getting older, you're getting wiser. I think this will be a good time to introduce yourself to yourself.

For me,  I can't wait to meet me.

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